Since our father (I mean the ancestor) was coming to this land. A desperate situation for them, humans have been hunted by predators(these giant beasts), but they still alive. Why? Because they learned to stand as one and made the weapon against the predators. After that, there is no more enemy can fight with them when they discovered the fire and created the spear. In the end, our father conquests any land which they are crossing.
Honestly, the beast has many body advantages. Felids have the supervision that they can be watching in the night, even without light. The panther can maintain high speed on the ground of about one hundred kilometers per hour. The crocodile has the most powerful bite in the world, crash prey’s bone that like chocolate. What a great gift they have! But just like the old saying, Gift also means curse. The night vision also brings myopia, and the super speed also brings the short-lived. The crocodile’s bite makes it a clumsy body to evade the crisis.
What about humans? You may ask. Okay, everything in the human body is moderate, but we have the secret weapon, tool. The tool is the greatest invention in human history. We have gone through many crises and questions with the help of this friend. Okay, what’s the tool. You need it, it comes. You don’t need it, it leaves.
But this is not enough if our human wants to keep our dominance in the earth. Because the tool is not the talent, it’s not from our body, and they could disappear. We are a weakness when we leave the tool. The spirit is the only advantage that we have to get through the challenge. Let me illustrate, The long march of the Red Army. It has not played a secondary role in human history. Contrary, it’s just as pivotal as the tool that we mentioned.
We still cannot escape from the parameter of the biology,nomatter how great we claim to be. We can help someone, but also can hurt someone, the lion could be dangerous, but so what? Imagining the human’s war, the blade, the gun, the biochemistry weapon, the nuclear weapon…., thousand and millions of innocent people will die. Sometimes, we humans are our own worst nightmare. Will power could help us to overcome the despair when we have nothing and stop us from becoming a demon when we do the bad things, just like Adolf Hitler. Spirit is always there for us and telling. Who we are and what we should do as a human.